Aftercare Instructions

Our goal is for you to leave every appointment with all the information you need to take care of yourself.  However, this section of our website is available in case you need a quick refresher.  Even with this information available, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly – through email or over the phone – with a specific question or concern.


The tooth-colored material we use to fill cavities will last for years, but you may want to be aware of the following when you have a new filling.


Permanent Crowns

Dentures and Partials

Root Canals

If you have had a root canal, your tooth may be sensitive to hot, cold or pressure. Please call our office for an appointment if you experience swelling after a root canal.


You will have temporaries for a short time while your permanent veneers are being made. Temporaries are attached only slightly to the underlying teeth and can be removed easily.